We will help people to stay well and independent for as long as possible and that we are proactive in our approaches. We need to encourage people working closely with a range of partners, including the NHS, housing, voluntary and independent sector to adopt healthier lifestyles, taking control of their own health and wellbeing and making the most of their strengths and resources. This could include local resources such as family and friends, social clubs, faith communities, library and leisure facilities. The use of technology, equipment, and/or accommodation which helps people to remain independent will be an important part of our conversations with people.

Adult Social Care in South Tyneside
“We want people in South Tyneside to live in the place they call home, with the people and things that they love, in communities where people look out for one another, doing things that matter to them.”
Read about our strategy Easy Read VersionWhat is Adult Social Care?
Adult Social Care supports people and their carers to stay independent and well so they can live the life they want.
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Our Objectives
Prevention and Early Intervention
Support people to remain in control
We believe that giving people genuine choice and control about how their receive care and support can improve quality of life as well as promoting independence and wellbeing. We will ensure that our ways of working enable people to have more choice and control, working with people, their families and carers to develop personalised support plans that focus upon what matters to them and achieving the best outcomes.
Keeping people at risk of harm and abuse safe and well
Keeping people safe is about building a community, who share a collective responsibility for ensuring people are safe – the council, NHS, housing, voluntary and community sector, faith groups and members of the community who know what to spot and how to respond to concerns about a person’s safety.
Working in partnership to improve health and care
We will work together with a range of partners, including health, housing, the voluntary and independent sector to plan and deliver better health care and support for people who live in South Tyneside which will be proactive, personalised and fair – we refer to this way of working as place-based partnerships.
Working together with our communities
Our Strength Based Practice Framework works collaboratively with families to build trusting and respectful relationships and we place great importance on partnership relationships.
Have a sustainable and skilled workforce
Our workforce is our greatest asset and staff need to feel valued for the work they do and the commitment they bring. Our ambition is to provide fully inclusive employment opportunities, offering career development and progression, so that we have a workforce providing high quality support, and who is responsive to a diversity of need across Adult Social Care.