Our South Tyneside

A place where people live healthy, happy and fulfilled lives.

We’d love for you to join our team!

South Tyneside is a great place to be a social worker.
Make a difference and be part of our story…

View Our Current Vacancies
  • Child Social Care Workers

    Join our Child Social Care team to help make a difference in the lives of children in South Tyneside.

    Child social care workers
  • Adult Social Care Workers

    Join our Adult Social Care team to help support the people of South Tyneside to Live Better Lives.

    Adult social care workers

What's it like to work for South Tyneside Council?


  • Melanie List for all her time, dedication, amazing knowledge and effort she has given me, having helped me all she could and has made me into a very knowledgeable changed person. Melanie also has a wonderful calm and gentle approach, and any manager should be proud to have her on their team.
  • I just wanted to highlight some strong practice from Scott Nichol. Scott’s approach was strengths based, firm with the family and professionals, and with compassion for the difficult situation in which the family find themselves. He advocated for the needs of the children …. It is evident he has made good progress with this family.
    BH (IRO)

What makes South Tyneside unique?

We offer a relocation budget for those thinking of moving to South Tyneside.

South Tyneside has a fascinating past, inspirational present and an exciting future.

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Our ambitions

Financially secure

Healthy & well

Connected to jobs

Part of strong communities

Targeting support to make things fairer

Our Council Values

We are
to make a difference